Six Month Well Child Visit


  • Pediarix: combination vaccine of DTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus, whooping cough), Polio, and Hepatitis B.

  • HiB: Haemophilus Influenza Type B (not Flu).

  • Prevnar: Pneumonia Vaccine.

  • Rotavirus: Prevents rotavirus diarrhea – Given by mouth.

Side Effects

  • Babies generally do well the first vaccine series; some side effects include low grade fever ( 100- 101F), fussiness, excessive crying, vomiting, sleepiness, and swelling at injection site.

  • Give about 0.8 ml (1 dropper) of Tylenol Infant drops every 4 hours twice.


  • Continue to formula or breastfeed.

  • Start offering a sippy cup.

  • Do not give juice in a bottle - it can cause tooth decay.

  • Limit juice to four or six ounces daily.

  • Serve solids 2 or three times per day using a spoon.

  • Avoid choking foods (nuts, popcorn, carrots, raisins, hard candy).

General care and safety

  • Use a rear-facing infant seat in the back seat of the car.

  • Put baby to sleep on his back.

  • Do not use soft bedding or soft toys in bed.

  • Lower the crib mattress.

  • Start to childproof your home.

  • Brush baby’s teeth with a soft toothbrush and water only.


  • Provide a mirror that is unbreakable.

  • Provide large, bright colored toys that make noise or have moving parts.

  • Play peek-a-boo.

  • Speak clearly saying words such as "Mama" and "Dada".

  • Use body movements and actions to teach language.

  • Start naming parts of the body and the environment.

  • Avoid using the word "No".

Six Month Child Milestones

Physical and motor skills

  • Able to lift chest and head while on stomach.

  • Able to sit in a high chair with a straight back.

  • Beginning of teething.

  • Increased drooling.

  • Able to bear almost all weight when supported in a standing position.

  • Able to roll from back to stomach.

  • Able to hold own bottle (but many babies won't do it, or do it only for short periods).

  • Able to pick up a dropped object.

Sensory & cognitive skills

  • Vision is between 20/60 and 20/40.

  • Can locate sounds not made directly at the ear level.

  • Starts to imitate sounds.

  • Sounds resemble one-syllable words.

  • Enjoys hearing own voice.

  • Makes sounds to mirror and toys.

  • Begins to fear strangers.

  • Recognizes parents.

  • Begins to imitate actions.

  • Begins to realize that if an object is dropped, it is still there and follows it with his eyes.

Developmental Health Watch

Although each baby develops in her own individual way and at her own rate, failure to reach certain milestones may signal medical or developmental problems requiring special attention.

If you notice any of the following warning signs in your infant at this age, discuss them with your pediatrician.

  • Cannot sit when supported at hips.

  • Does not roll from front to back.

  • Does not move both hands equally.

  • Does not babble or babbles less.

  • Is not interested in his environment.